The goal of the game is to, as an agent, acquire 6144 TB of data, which must then be sent to the agency from designated points. The agent license is obtained by the player who eliminates the current agent, taking over the information already collected from him. (A new license is given to a random player at the beginning of the round, or when the current agent leaves the game). Data can be downloaded wirelessly or via a much faster MTP (Multi-fiber Termination Push-on) connection. The agent has an information advantage over other players, knows their exact position, and when he manages to obtain a complete set of data, his opponents are supplied with defective ammunition. The agent can be located using traces that indicate his position 12 seconds ago, and thanks to the open location of data collection points. The player who sends all the data to the agency, or the agent who has the most before the end of time, wins. An agent who is passive (escapes the game, or intentionally kills himself to save points before the timer runs out) will be punished. GOOD LUCK.