5v5 Tdm
Players are teleported to spawn points at the start of the match before a countdown starts to begin the match.
Players are equipped with a pistol and throwable (from a randomized array)
There are 5 weapon pickups on the map highlighted by an icon and text (stating what weapon type it is) AR, SMG, LMG, DMR, Sniper, Rockets and Specials When a player collects the pickup , the pickup will countdown from 60 seconds until its active again.
When a player dies they enter the spectator queue and are teleported back to spawn an are equipped with a recon drone to watch the match.
Players in the queue can only return to the fight when a team mate has earned a kill.
First team to kill all the other teams players wins a round, first team to 3 rounds wins the match.
A round could be over in seconds or last for hours lol.
if you encounter any bugs please message me and ill fix asap
email : [email protected] Discord: Dirteebreaks#6250