CAPTURE THE OUTPOST WAR SIM Outpost capture and defense simulator. To fight like a soldier, not like a terrorist. Death count scoreboard (better than kd ratio. at the end of the hand, the 9 players with the least die count appear as a message). The original owner of the outpost is unknown. The first team to arrive and start defending becomes the owner of the outpost. For all things to be equal. At the end of 30 minutes, the last owner of the outpost wins. There is no ticket. Therefore, winners and losers can change at any time. Air support arrives in the last 8 seconds and kills the soldiers by bombing them in open areas outside the outpost area. (adds 1 more die to the score of those camping outside the outpost)Vehicles do not damage weapons just for transport. Teamplay based, no squad spawn. Stay alive with teammates. MOBILIZATION TRAINING-No Nonsense-PVP-Pistol, Assault 2-DMR, Snipers 1 shot pierces armors-Unrealistic items limited-No explosives for hostage and civilians senario-Friendly fire nonsense off-Defend the outpost until air support arrives 30 min