This is Gun Game with several intensifying modifications for continuous fast paced action with in game on the fly configuration to tweak your experience to the max Jump in explore and enjoy Features Play on any map from 1942 BC2 BF3 2042 with dynamic weapons list Single several humans with or without AI Important stuff always in top right corner Weapon selection is controlled by the mod always possible to switch to secondary melee or throw stuff except in melee mode Reverse weapon order config in game default guns rifles Random weapon order config in game default off AI config on off in game default on Advanced leaders weapon 200 health never spotted except when in lead Camp detection and punishment config on off in game If you stay within 3m for more than 10s you are considered camping Campers are statically spotted and told to move You need to not camp for as long as you camped to no longer be considered a camper Dynamic spotting rules Leader s are always spotted until melee mode is reached In melee mode leader s are unspotted and all other humans are spotted If all humans reach melee mode they are all spotted Intermittent static spotting config in game 5s on and 15s off vs always on Dynamic configuration Go prone select grenade wait 5s follow on screen instructions Simply stand up to leave configuration mode Crouch prone to cycle options zoom to select All other players are paused during config and then resume when player exits config Option AI on off Option Weapon order guns rifles or rifles guns Option Random weapons order on off will select random weapons according to weapon order above Option Intermittent spotting on off Option Camping detection on off Disgrace functionality weapon demoted if killed 3 times in sequence killed by grenade or melee