Experience Bugged
[ Infected: CONTAINMENT | 4.31.367 | Full Class Choice! Killstreaks! 80+ Infected Types! End Game Final Stand Event! | Created by: Edisius95 ]
More to come in the future! Stay tuned!
I will continue to update this mode as I come up with new ideas and better ways of doing things, and will watch out for bugs and squash them as fast as possible once they are brought to my attention. I will also adjust it to reflect changes to the core BF 2042 experience and content added in with future updates to the game.
If you suspect you have found a bug with the mode while playing it and wish to report it, you can find me in the BF 2042 Portal Discord server. Or if you wish to contact me directly, my discord is Edisius95. Feel free to contact me about suggestions and ideas you have as well, and I will take them into consideration!
Thank you :)