Fun and frantic Free for all!
16 players 50 kills to win 120% movement speed 500% bullet velocity unlimited ammo (no need to reload) 200% health
start with a pistol of your choice.
all other weapons can only be picked up on the map at the 5 rotating weapon pickup icons.
these pickups are:
AR/SMG Shotguns Snipers Rocket launchers Crazy nades
Grenades will constantly be reloaded (and automatically thrown if your ingame quick throw setting is on) while cycling through different nades. only the rockets and sniper can ADS (zoom) and are both 1 hit kills.
scoring a Multikill (multiple kills within a set time) will give you a health bump and reveal the other players location for 2 seconds. getting a quad kill will unlock an OP 1 hit auto gadget!
6 maps so far are:
Hourglass Kaleidoscope Manifest Breakaway Discarded Orbital
more to come
experience code : AA1SJ6