Overview A 12 or 32 player free for all that ends with either last man standing or after a short time limit Players are spotted by default and shoot eachother with the Tracer Dart weapon Being shot awards a player a letter T R A C and finally E Upon being shot players enter a grace period Weapon firing is disabled Unspotted to allow for re positioning Can no longer be shot If a player is hit the full five times T R A C E they are eliminated but can continue to passively walk around the map as a spectator There is a variety of useful messages notifications and scoreboard to keep track of how the match is progressing Features in 1 1 New AI will populate the server until there is at least two human players This triggers code to remove the AI Fixed AI die instantly upon being shot which flows better Fixed Ammo is infinite but cannot be spam fired faster than the animations allow New More maps in the rotation and addition of 32 player variant 32 players variant aagc74