Gunfight Royale but with a team-based twist!
How does the mode play?
The mode consists of quick (75sec) battle royale rounds between two teams of 8 players each, so 16 players in total.
Each round all players are spawned in a different random pre-selected safe position. Each round all players receive the same random loadout, consisting of a primary and secondary weapon, gadget and throwable. Use what you've got this round!
Use the first moments of each round to check your loadout, add some attachments to your weapons and orientate yourself on the big map.
At the 60sec mark, a flag will spawn randomly on one of the pre-selected positions. Time to team up, take down some enemies and advance towards the flag!
How to win
The last team standing or closest team to the flag at end of round wins a point. First team to 6 points wins the game.
User interface
In the UI the minimap and ally identification are off. Both teams, however, have distinct recognizable characters. The US plays as the assault characters from Bad Company 2 and the RU team as the medic characters from Bad Company 2. Friendly fire is off.
The custom messages show how many seconds are left in the round and how many players are still alive on each team. It also shows your own distance from the flag (when it has spawned). The flag itself changes color depending on which team is closest to it. The flag is also visible on the big map, but not on the mini map which is disabled.
On death
If you die, you'll have to wait until the next round to redeploy. Use your downed status to ping enemy positions. Squad spectating is enabled so you can also watch the round unfold that way or from the map on the spawn screen.
AI is enabled and set to advanced difficulty. They have no awareness of the flag however, so they treat the mode as a standard TDM match.
Feedback is greatly appreciated on the bfportal.gg discord!