Experience Bugged
Experience Not Available
XP Farm
AI Target Features:
16 AI Targets are available that you can change between the following modes..
- Static: Targets are stuck in a static arrangement on the map
- Moving: Simple left to right strafing
- Random: Left to right strafing with the direction changing at random intervals for each target
- Dynamic: Each target will change into one of the above modes at random intervals
- Gun Tester: Targets will be arranged in a line at 10m intervals from the player (5m offset can be applied)
- Vehicle Targets:
- When you enter a vehicle 4 enemy vehicles will spawn for you to use as practice fodder. The vehicles are: 1 Jet, 1 Apache, 1 Nightbird and 1 Super Hind. (they are disabled when you exit)
Displayed Statistics:
stats display can be hidden at your command
- Accuracy: you last kill and global accuracy
- Time to Kill: time taken to kill you last target
- Bullets to Kill: amount of hits to kill you last target
- Target Distance: the distance from you to the last target you hit
- Bullet Velocity: In the gun tester mode, there is a target which when damaged will read the velocity at which the bullet travelled
- Rate of Fire: Your weapons live rate of fire
- Classic Weapon Box: Gain access to all non 2042 portal weapons via an MCOM and selection menu.
Collab credits:
x8reaps - Designer and tracking expert