A mod that very closely resembles a well known 2v2 mode from 2019 called gunfight.
2 versus 2 1 life per round. First team to kill both of the other players wins the round. First team to 5 rounds wins the match.
Round start:
All players are spawned into their positions, locked in place, spotted/highlighted and given a loudout that is randomly selected. All players have the same loudout. Once all players have deployed a countdown will start and then the players are released.
The action takes place in 1 of 2 small areas per map. The area is selected randomly per round. When a player dies, they can now SPECTATE their team mates until the next round
If a player steps outside of the play area they will be warned that they are outside the play area, will receive chip damage and be spotted. The play area is kind of intuitive due to its location.
During a round there is a timer ticking down. When the timer timer reaches 40 seconds a flag will appear in the middle of the map and the players are told to scramble to the flag. The First team to capture that flag wins the round (if teams are alive)
After 1 team has won the round the players are redeployed and the next round will begin.
NEW MAPS/ZONES ADDED there are now 8 maps and 16 zones.